Indonesian Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium 2023
IsWASH 2023 (Save the date! ): March 20-21, 2023
Proceeding IsWASH 2023
Call for Paper
Indonesian Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Symposium (IsWASH) 2023 [Online]:
Realizing Access to Safe, Inclusive, Sustainable and Climate Resilient Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All
UPDATE#3 March 8, 2023
Please click here to see the rundown of IsWASH 2023
UPDATE#2 February 16, 2023
Please click here to see the list of accepted abstracts
UPDATE#1 February 3, 2023
The Committee is still deciding on abstracts acceptance. Accepted abstracts will be announced via Email on The 2nd Week of February. Should you have any question, please do not hesistate to contact us at simposiumwash[at]
Achieving SDGs targets on drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene or WASH) requires approaches combined from various disciplines. In Indonesia, there is yet a forum where researchers and academics in the WASH sector could exchange ideas academically and discuss the latest insights in science, technology and the governance of this sector.
This event is also needed to collate various scientific evidence and the latest research. In addition, through “policy synthesis”, this symposium is expected to advocate scientific findings in order to provide input for future evidence-based policies in the Indonesian WASH Sector.
The Symposium will be conducted Virtually (online-only) with a focus on Indonesia’s Effort in Realizing Access to Safe, Inclusive, Sustainable and Climate-resilient Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for All. Any abstract related or relevant to Indonesia’s effort – or a comparative analysis involving Indonesia and other countries — in achieving SDGs Target on WASH is welcome.
The Symposium is Bilingual (in English and Bahasa Indonesia). The Opening and Closing Plenary will be in English (with interpretation in Bahasa Indonesia) and the rest of the sessions will be organized into Bahasa Indonesia sessions and English sessions (both without interpretation).
- Extended Abstract (Proceeding/ISBN) and Policy Synthesis, Editor: Cindy Priadi, Daniel and Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani
- Publication at IWA Journals (subject to further peer review)
- Strengthen Pentahelix network and collaboration in WASH-related research in Indonesia
- Consolidate scientific evidence related to WASH in Indonesia
- Identify current and future WASH research topics in Indonesia
Target Participants
- Researchers/Lecturers
- University students
- National, provincial and local governments
- Practitioners
- NGOs
- National and international donors
- WASH-related industries
Symposium Format
Online in the form of presentation sessions and posters. All sessions are delivered in English
- Asia Pacific Center for Ecohydrology
- Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (BRIN)
- Center for Regulation Policy and Governance (CRPG)
- Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB)
- Jejaring Air Minum dan Penyehatan Lingkungan (AMPL)
- Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM)
- Universitas Indonesia (UI)
- Universitas Ibn Khaldun Bogor, Program Studi Ilmu Lingkungan
- Universitas Udayana (UNUD)
- Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas)
- Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney
- Sanitation and Water for All (SWA)
- The World Bank
International Water Association (IWA)
Summary of problems, findings, data and evidence related to lessons learned, best practice implementation in the community, as well as recommendations and conclusions
Coordinator: Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani,and (mova[at]alafghani[dot]info)
Team: Anindrya Nastiti
Indicative themes :
- Regulation
- Water Services Regulation
- Regulations, Policies and Incentives Regarding Drinking Water Quality and Water Safety Plans
- Policies
- Public Private Partnership, Private Finance Initiative, Private Sector Participation, Business to Business Relations in the Provision of WASH Infrastructure
- Institutional, Planning and Policy Aspects for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in the WASH Sector
- Institutions
- Legal, Institutional and Sustainability Aspects of Community Based Drinking Water and Wastewater
- Constitutional and Human Rights Aspects of WASH Implementation
Cluster 2: Water Utility Management
Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Ignasius Dwi Atmana Sutapa, MSc.
Indicative themes :
- Water Reservoir Management
- Drinking Water and Potable Reuse
- City-scale Planning and Operations
- Smart Drinking Water Management
- Water Risk Assessment and Management
Cluster 3: WASH Sciences and Technology
Coordinator: Cindy Priadi
Indicative theme :
- Emerging/latest technological/technical developments/innovations in WASH
- IT implementation in WASH/digitalization in WASH sector
- Climate resilience technology in WASH
- Safely managed Sanitation and Drinking Water
Cluster 4: Social, behavior and economic aspect of WASH
Coordinator: Daniel
Team: Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti, Prof Sri Irianti
Indicative theme :
- Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) behavior/practice in the society
- Social aspect of WASH
- WASH and circular economy concept
- WASH and economic impact
- Gender and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) in WASH
Plenary: Synthesis
Key dates
- Extended Abstract submission deadline (Call for Paper):
31st of December 2022January 15, 2023 - Announcement of Accepted Abstracts: 30 January 2023
- Online Symposium date: 20-21 March, 2023
- Deadline for Full Paper Submission to IWA: June, 2023
Option for Journal Publications: Water Policy and Journal of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Development (IWA)
Writing format
Style: Times new roman, font size 12, spacing 1.5.
- Background/knowledge gap, problem statement, objective of paper
- Methodology
- Result
- Discussion/Policy Implications
- Conclusion
Maximum words:
Extended Abstract: 500-1000 words
Language: Participants should choose whether to include their abstract into the English Sessions or the Bahasa Indonesia sessions
Type of Papers
Research Article: maximum 5000-6000 words including tables, figures and references
Review/Systematic Review: maximum 8000 words including tables, figures and references
- Proceedings containing abstracts (not full paper) will be published in an ISBN Book with Editors: Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani, Cindy Priadi, and Daniel [Free]
- Accepted Papers (which are written in English) will be recommended for publication at IWA Journals – the acceptance of which is subject to further peer review [Free/no APC]
Rundown of WASH Symposium
- 4 presentations per breakout room
- 20 paper presentations for each cluster
- 10 poster presentations for each cluster
- 80 papers dan 40 posters in total
Each session will be led by a chair. Every participant will be assigned a respondent from other participant. Every participant will need to respond to at least 1 paper, both in written (through the respondent form) and verbally. Cluster coordinator and his team are responsible for distributing the respondent assignment and coordinate with Chairs. CLIK HERE
Scientific Commitee
Mohamad Mova Al’Afghani obtained a PhD in water regulation from the University of Dundee, UNESCO Center for Water Law, Policy and Science. Mova has more than 15 years of experience in the water sector, including as a research consultant at UN agencies such as the World Bank, WHO, FAO, UNDP and UNIDO, donor agencies and various development partners. Mova’s primary expertise is law, regulation and governance of water, environment and natural resources. Current research interests are informality and water tenure, as well as the impact of emerging pollutants on drinking water. Mova currently serves as Director at the Center for Regulation, Policy and Governance (CRPG) and lecturer at Ibn Khaldun University, Bogor.
Prof. Dr. Ignasius Dwi Atmana Sutapa, MSc. Completed his bachelor’s and master’s Degrees at the University of Nancy I in 1992, and a Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in 1996 at The Institute National Polytechnique de Lorraine (INPL), France. He is currently a Professor of Chemical and Environmental Technology at the National Research and Innovation Agency. Apart as an environmental expert, he serves as Executive Director of the Asia Pacific Centre for Ecohydrology (APCE) – UNESCO C2C, Deputy Chair of the Committee of Environmental Health Experts at the Indonesian Ministry of Health, as well as Chairman of the Indonesian Digital Leaders Association (IDLA/APDI).
Prof. Sri Irianti, SKM, M.Phill, Ph.D obtained her Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in 2001 and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in 2012 in Environmental Engineering from Griffith University, Australia. She is currently researcher at National Research and Innovation Agency. During her research career, she has produced 48 scientific papers, both in the form of books, book sections, journals and international and national proceedings. A total of 41 papers of which are as the main contributors and 24 papers are written in English.
Cindy Rianti Priadi is a lecturer at the University of Indonesia since 2011 and the Head of the Environmental Engineering Study Program since early 2022. Her research since her doctoral studies in 2007 includes drinking water and urban sanitation, groundwater and surface water quality and resource recovery from waste with support from and collaboration with various local parties, national and international. Cindy is a member of the Indonesian Academy of Young Scientists (ALMI) with an H-index 11.
Daniel is a lecturer and researcher at the Faculty of Medicine, Public Health, and Nursing, Gadjah Mada University. He has research experience in the field of drinking water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) both in Indonesia and abroad and works closely with international institutions. His special interest in research is about community behavior in the field of WASH, risk analysis and drinking water quality, drinking water security plans, and sustainability of WASH services in rural and remote areas of Indonesia.
Anindrya Nastiti is an engineer-by-training who pursues interdisciplinary research in water governance and the intersection of environment and human behaviour. She is an assistant professor in the Environmental Management and Technology Research Group, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB) and also the Secretary of Center for Environmental Studies (ITB). She has been involved in several interdisciplinary research projects with social scientists on the topic of water security challenges, water governance and stewardship, human rights to water and sanitation, inclusive water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH), and others.
Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti Dr Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti holds a Bachelor of Environmental Engineering from the Institute of Technology Bandung, Indonesia, a Masters of Built Environment (Sustainable Development) from UNSW, Sydney, Australia and a PhD from the School of Environment, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia. Her research focuses on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in developing areas with qualitative and quantitative approach. She is experienced in facilitating participatory methods, designing and implementing WASH behavior change communication strategy in communities. Currently she teaches at School of Public Health, Udayana University, Bali, Indonesia and conducts research with the Centre of Public Health Innovation (CPHI), Udayana University.
About the organizers
Sanitation and Water for All (SWA) is a global partnership under the United Nations. SWA’s membership consists of international organizations, countries (including Indonesia), donor organizations, NGOs, universities, research institutes, regulatory bodies, drinking water companies, the private sector and various other development partners. Bappenas is the focal point for SWA in Indonesia.
Jejaring AMPL is a forum to synergize the potential for information, knowledge and communication between stakeholders in the drinking water, sanitation and hygiene sector. The work program focuses on the Information Resource Center, Capacity Building, Partnership Development, as well as Advocacy and Awareness Raising, the WSES Network is independent as an organization that is not affiliated with the government and political organizations and is subject to the decisions of member meetings.
Invitation to collaborate
The organizer of this symposium is inviting research institutions, universities, donors, UN agencies, local and international NGOs, private sectors, philanthropy organizations, government institutions that work on WASH development sector to collaborate and convene the event. The stakeholder’s involvement is expected in form of in-kind support by taking part of symposium committee with responsibilities and tasks as described below:
- Investing considerable time and enthusiasm on WASH development sector
- In collaboration with other convenors, designing and preparing online sessions
- Convening, facilitating and moderating an exciting session
Alternatively, the organizer is welcoming participation, contribution, and donation from various stakeholders.
Series of Academic Webinars – Road to IsWASH 2023
As part of SNAS 2023 event, the organizer will conduct series of academic webinars. The webinar will be hosted and led by each of member of the organizer consecutively. At least one webinar with different specific themes on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene will be conducted on each month toward March 2023. The webinars series in brief presented below :
Webinar | Title | Host | Date |
Series 1 | Penguatan Kolaboarasi Lintas Sektor Menuju Ketahanan dan Ketercapaian Layanan Semesta “Air Minum, Sanitasi dan Higiene Pascapandemi COVID-19 | BRIN | 2 November 2022 |
Series 2 | Progress on SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation in Indonesia and How Academia Can Contribute to That | UGM | 9 November 2022 |
Series 3 | Understanding Source and Pathway of Antimicrobial Resistance in Water Supply | UI | 20 December 2022 |
Series 4 | Gender Equity, Disability and Social Inclusion in WASH | UNUD | 3 February 2023 |
Series 5 | Achieving Universal and Equitable Access to WASH through Good Governance | ITB | 24 February 2023 |
Series 6 | CRPG | February 2023 |
Detail Webinar Design
Webinar 1: Penguatan Kolaboarasi Lintas Sektor Menuju Ketahanan dan Ketercapaian Layanan Semesta “Air Minum, Sanitasi dan Higiene Pascapandemi COVID-19”
Date and time: 2 November 2022, 08.30 – 12.30 Jakarta time
Host: Badan Riset dan Inovasi Nasional (Research Center for Limnology and Water Resources)
Responsible person: Prof. Dr. Ignasius Dwi Atmana Sutapa, M.Sc
Resource Persons
- Keynote Speaker: Director General for Human Settlements, Ministry of Public Works and Housing (Conditions and Needs of Water and Sanitation Infrastructure in Indonesia)
- Panelist 1: Bappenas: Director of Housing and Settlements (Current National Policy in Water and Sanitation in Indonesia)
- Panelist 2: Directorate of Environmental Health, Ministry of Health (Strengthening Drinking Water Quality Surveillance through the implementation of Water Safety Plans in Indonesia)
- Panelist 3: Bandung Institute of Technology (Challenges and Strategies on Providing Human Resources for Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 in Indonesia)
- Panelist 4: WHO Representative in Indonesia (Implementation of Water Safety Plans and Health Based Targets in Indonesia)
- Panelist 5: Drinking Water and Sanitation Research Group (BRIN): Research and Innovation in Drinking Water and Sanitation in Indonesia)
- Director of Malang Drinking Water Company: Lessons Learned from Developing and Implementing Water Safety Plans)
- Sri Irianti, Ph.D
- Speaker 1: Bappenas: Coordinator of Drinking Water and Sanitation (Progress of SDG 6 in Indonesia: goverment perspective)
- Speaker 2: University of Technology Sydney: Institute for Sustainable Futures (International Scientific Collaboration in The WASH Sector in Indonesia)
- Speaker 3: BRIN: National Research and Innovation Agency (Role of WASH Research to Support Policy Design and Implementation in Indonesia)
- Daniel
Link Youtube:
- Speaker 1: Universitas Indonesia/NC State University: Assistant Professor Universitas Indonesia/Fullbright Scholar
- Speaker 2: NC State University: PhD Candidate
- Speaker 3: NC State University: Assistant Professor
- Cindi R Priadi

- Speaker 1: Water and Wash Specialist (Gender Equity, Disability and Social Inclusion in WASH)
- Speaker 2: Institut Teknologi Bandung : Researcher and Lecturer
- Speaker 3: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill : Research Assistant at the Water Institute and Ph.D. student in the ESE department
- Speaker 4: WaterAid
- Ni Made Utami Dwipayanti
- Speaker 1: University of Kassel, Germany (Water and Sanitation Models within Complex Resource Systems-Methodological Approach to Alternative Systems)
- Speaker 2: Sciences Po Toulouses, Francen (Challenges in the water sector : Shared Governance as a new model in the context of ecological transitions? Controversies about bottled water water markets in Asia)
- Speaker 3: WASH : WASH in Southeast Asia (Sanitation in Jakarta How actors and their decisions influence sanitation service provision in Jakarta)
- Dr. Anindrya Nastiti

